Why Lasers Are Used in Dentistry
February 16, 2018
The use of lasers in dentistry may sound a bit like science fiction, but it's actually scientific fact! Laser technology was first applied to dentistry in the early 1960s and has been gaining popularity ever since.
Can This Sweetener Stop Tooth Decay?
February 9, 2018
We all know that the only tried and true method of preventing cavities is regular brushing and flossing. However, that doesn’t stop researchers and dental patients alike from seeking other “life hacks” to maintain shiny smiles.
You Might Be Brushing Your Teeth Wrong
February 1, 2018
Brushing your teeth is such a routine habit that you may forget that there's a right and a wrong way to do it. But proper brushing is super important for preventing tooth decay and gum disease!
The Zen of Brushing Your Teeth
January 25, 2018
In the daily rush of modern life it can be hard to find time to care for yourself, and this includes taking appropriate care of your smile. Brushing and flossing your teeth properly each day is vital to avoiding tooth decay and toothaches.
When to See an Endodontist
January 17, 2018
An endodontist is a type of specialist dentist. Like many healthcare terms, the word "endodontics" comes from Greek, and actually means "inside tooth".
Strengthen Your Teeth With Cheese
January 3, 2018
As a dental patient, you may be more used to hearing which foods are bad for your teeth rather than good for them. While we all should know that acidic foods or foods high in sugar are bad for your teeth
What Is Laughing Gas & What’s So Funny About It?
December 27, 2017
Laughing gas is the common name for an inhaled sedative, used in dental care and in medical care. Laughing gas gets its name from the feeling of well-being and giddiness that it can cause.
Even More Ways You’re Brushing Your Teeth Wrong
December 19, 2017
As something we all do everyday, it might be surprising that many people do not brush their teeth correctly. While doing it wrong is a lot better than not doing it at all, brushing your teeth correctly can help prevent tooth decay
The Top Sugar-Free Food That Can Rot Your Teeth
December 12, 2017
Sodas should only be an occasional treat (like a cupcake or a candy bar), not your main source of hydration or caffeine. To get around this issue and still enjoy a sweet drink, many people turn to sugar-free varieties. The only problem is that sugar-free sodas can cause tooth decay too!
Do Charcoal Teeth Whitening Products Work?
December 5, 2017
One of the most popular ones we’ve seen lately is using activated charcoal paste to whiten teeth. Some video bloggers are claiming amazing teeth whitening effects, but many patients are wondering whether this technique really works.